Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts


sanskrit: Vasisthasana
translation: vasistha = most excellent, best, richest
aka: Side Plank Pose
aka: Inclined Plank Pose
aka: Side Arm Balance
aka: One-Arm Balance Pose
...any others?

bonus: this is a sixth chakra pose :)

all photography credits can be found by clicking on photos.

Ardha Chandrasana

sanskrit: Ardha Chandrasana
translation: ardha = half, candra = glittering, shining, having the brilliancy or hue of light, moon
aka: Half Moon Pose
aka: Crescent Moon Pose
aka: Triangle with a leg lift (from Debbie)
...any others?

Interesting tid-bit: while researching Ardha Chandrasana, I found this variation (below), done in Bikram.

all photography credits can be found by clicking on photos.


sanskrit: Astavakrasana
aka: Eight Angle Pose
aka: Eight Crooked Limb Pose

aka: Eight Paths Pose

aka: Crooked Limb Sage

...any others?

photography credit can be found by clicking on photo.


sanskrit: Natarajasana
aka: Lord of the Dance Pose
aka: King Dancer Pose
aka: Dancer Pose
aka: Cosmic Dancer
aka: Shiva's Dance Posture
aka: Natraja Asana
aka: Natraj Asan
...any others?

all photography credits can be found by clicking on photos.


sanskrit: Utkatasana
aka: Chair Pose
aka: Awkward Pose
aka: Lightening Bolt (if hands are clasped)
aka: Powerful Pose
aka: Fierce Pose
...any others?

all photography credits can be found by clicking on photos.